Question: 1 / 20

If the expression (x - 1)^2 = 4, what is the value of x?





Given the expression (x - 1)^2 = 4, we can solve for x by taking the square root of both sides, which results in x - 1 = ±2. This means that x can have two possible values x = 1 + 2 or x = 1 - 2. Simplifying, we get x = 3 or x = -1. However, x cannot equal -1 since this would result in a negative value for the expression (x - 1)^2. Therefore, the only possible value for x is 3. Option A (-3) is incorrect because it does not satisfy the equation. Option B (-1) is incorrect because, as mentioned before, it would result in a negative value for the expression. Option C (0) is incorrect because when we plug it in for x, we get (0 -